painting my Meeden palettes

Here are my 'almost finished' hacked Meeden palettes, which I mentioned in my last post. I love the colours! These already have 2 thin coats of Testor's enamel - one in glossy turquoise and the other in metal red. They're a bit dull-looking in this photo, as I sanded them a bit after I let the second coat dry because there were some air bubbles on top. Hopefully the third coat will be the smoothest. I may put a spray varnish over top of that final coat to protect them, as the paint still has a tendency to dent or scratch easily. Each of these palette covers were black previously. As I mentioned in my last post, black is standard color for most of these palettes and it's next to impossible to find one in another colour unless they are 'special edition'. I think they look much nicer with a bit of colour, don't you? So, I'm pretty happy with my new hacked travel palettes, which I take to work to paint on breaks. Between them, I can carry around 56 pans...